Some Tips to Repair Curly Hair?
All of us should know that the tips to care our natural hair. And now here I will give your guys some tips to repair curly hair extensions. It will be also working to hair wig.
- Whether it is your natural hair or wig, you should wash your hair regularly. For your natural hair, you’d better wash it once two days, and for the wig, you just need to wash it once in 10-15 days. About the shampoo, you’d better opt for a shampoo with a PH level from 4.5 to 5.5.
- It is necessary for you to shampoo your curly hair thoroughly to remove smoke, dirt, dust, residue, etc. Healthy living habit is also good for yourself.
- Using conditioner and hair care essential oils, those will be good for your hair.
- Do not overuse the hair dryer. The high temperature will make your hair become like a hay. Especially to the hair wig, you can only make it dry in a natural way.
- Do not comb your hair often, comb it by your hand as possible.
- Do not always tie your hair and change your hairstyle.